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Reiki+Sound {an intimate event}

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

I want to take a moment to talk about one of my favorite events and truly, I love every event I host or co-host but this is one event that I have seen a remarkable response to in terms of the effect it has on our clients.

Setting the scene for this event, held at a beautiful private residence in Minnesota on a lake setting where the home bodes beautiful architectural design with natural light and incredible woodwork throughout. Inviting you to find a spot on of of the cushions laid out for attendees, you bring your pillow & blanket and settle in.

After brief introductions, a grounding meditation to guide you to ultimate relaxation as you lie cozy in your spot. Maybe you chose to wear an eye mask or not, either way is fine and with or without, you are slipping into a level of relaxation that your body, soul, & mind longs for.

A slow, steady, and low vibration of sound begins to fill the room as the gong starts to play. Maybe you are surprised because you didn't expect these sounds to be coming from a gong. After some time your brain is put into a dream like (yet awake) state where you may experience different things from visuals, physical sensations like floating or numerous other experiences that have been reported during this time.

As you are enjoying this rest, our Reiki Master is coming around to each attendee individually and applying light touch and energy healing. You may experience colors in your vision field which can pique your curiosity (many will open their eyes to see if there are lights flashing in the room; fyi-they're not!)

You are immersed in a new world, you are hearing new sounds around you. Quarts crystal bowls are playing, a sweet sound encompassing the room and you can feel the sound waves move through and around you. It's an incredible experience.

As the session begins to conclude, other instruments are played around the room and positive, healing, & high-vibes are being sent to each attendee as you begin the reawakening process.

You are rested, and curious. Questions are happily answered, time is given for you to journal your experience if you like or you are welcome to share your experience if you feel called to do so. This is a safe space for you to share & be heard as needed and we are so happy to share this experience with you!

If you have an opportunity to attend a soundbath, do it! If you have an opportunity to attend one with an additional modality like Reiki or Breathwork; I highly suggest you take advantage of it! Your body, mind, & spirit will thank you!

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